6-day Trail Running, Yoga and Mindfulness Retreat in Teruel, Spain

Teruel, Barrio La Artiga

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6-day Trail Running, Yoga and Mindfulness Retreat in Teruel, Spain

Teruel, Barrio La Artiga

Mejor precio garantizado

Idioma de instrucción


Tipos de actividades

Actividades grupales

Asistentes a tus retiros

Tamaño max. del grupo

16 personas

Se permiten mascotas



6 dias / 5 noches


Abierto a todos

Idioma de instrucción


Asistentes a tus retiros

Tamaño max. del grupo

16 person


6 dias / 5 noches

Tipos de actividades

Actividades grupales

Se permiten mascotas



Abierto a todos


A retreat for growing with awareness

Revitalise your body and mind on a five-day retreat at La Artiga, a haven of tranquillity in the stunning rural landscape of the Teruel region of northeastern Spain. Each day you'll enjoy guided walks on trails winding through hills and valleys in one of the most unspoilt places in Spain, complemented by yoga, tai chi and meditation sessions. Everything is carefully balanced to offer you moments of rest and connection with the serenity that surrounds this environment. Guided by two teachers with more than fifty years of combined experience in the practice and teaching of running, yoga and mindfulness, this retreat, the result of a collaboration between RUN and Bodhiyoga, offers you the opportunity to find a profound balance between conscious movement and inner stillness, surrounded by nature that invites calm.


Revitalise your body and mind on a five-day retreat at La Artiga, a haven of tranquillity in the stunning rural landscape of the Teruel region of northeastern Spain.

Each day you'll enjoy guided walks on trails winding through hills and valleys in one of the most unspoilt places in Spain, complemented by yoga, tai chi and meditation sessions. Everything is carefully balanced to offer you moments of rest and connection with the serenity that surrounds this environment.

Guided by two teachers with more than fifty years of combined experience in the practice and teaching of running, yoga and mindfulness, this retreat, the result of a collaboration between RUN

and Bodhiyoga, offers you the opportunity to find a profound balance between conscious movement and inner stillness, surrounded by nature that invites calm.





Tipos de yoga


Tipos de meditación




Sadhita is a yoga teacher and trainer of teachers and one of the key founders of the Bodhiyoga School of teacher training. A Buddhist by training, the school was set up in 2012 to provide training and retreats to the public. To date, they have provided more than ten trainings and have many students all around the globe. Sadhita has trained in Ashtanga, Hatha and Iyengar systems of yoga. Since 2012 Sadhita has been involved in training people to become mindfulness based yoga teachers and has to date more than one hundred student teachers world wide. From the years of practice, Sadhita recommends that yoga is a perfect adjunct to mindful running and will help any practitioner go deeper into their experience. “As an informed meditator, runner and yoga practitioner, I have seen all of these practices deepen and take on new meaning through the systematic practice of mindfulness.”


Stuart took up triathlon in 2005, before specializing in duathlon (run/bike/run). He went on to represent Great Britain as an age-group athlete at several international Championships. He has been practicing meditation in the Chinese Zen Buddhist tradition for over two decades, teaching meditation and leading day retreats with the Western Chan Fellowship. Stuart has participated in a variety of mindfulness programmes and is a Trained Teacher in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice. He is also a teacher of Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing (TMW) and a qualified Qigong Instructor with Long White Cloud Qigong. A key focus of Stuart’s personal practice centres upon the application of mindfulness techniques and skills as a means to help us re-inhabit our bodies, and he thinks there is no better way to this than through mindful running.

6 dias / 5 noches
Pago inicial
Precio total
Selecciona fechas del retiro
Selecciona un paquete



Concéntrate completamente en tu práctica y deja de lado todas las distracciones.

Desconecta de la tecnología y conéctate contigo mismo

Develop new skills in cultivating awareness, embodiment and relaxation.

Escapa de la monotonía diaria por unos días.

Explore the restorative benefits of being immersed in nature

Fortalecer tu mente y hallar la serenidad interior.

Learn how to run with more focus and enjoyment

Permite que tus emociones fluyan libremente

Serenidad mental, energía física renovada.


Actividades descritas en el programa


Bebidas y aperitivos durante todo el día


No incluido

Agua y té energizantes ilimitados

Traslados al aeropuerto

Traslados al transporte público


Programa detallado
07:00 - Wake up
07:30 - Morning practice – meditation / Tai Chi
08:00 - Introduction to the day
08:15 - Light breakfast
09:00 - Mindful running
11:00 - Yoga session (dynamic)
13:15 - Lunch
14:00 - Pause and reflect – free time
16:00 - Short run (optional)
17:00 - Recuperative gentle yoga session (optional)
18:00 - Evening meal
19:00 - Meditation practice
19:45 - Pause and reflect – free time

Hora de llegada: 17:00

Hora de salida: 10:30


Tipo de alojamiento

Casa Rural


Rodeado de naturaleza




Habitación Compartida

768 €

Habitación Individual

1001 €


2002 €
Transporte público
The retreat fee does not include transfer to the retreat venue, but if you need any support and advice with arranging your travel please let the organisers know and they would be happy to help.

The nearest airport is Valencia which is 70km from La Artiga. There are direct flights to Valencia from London, Manchester and Dublin.

Taxi – for anyone wishing to share the cost of a taxi from Valencia to the venue, they can connect you together and help you get that arranged. The cost of a taxi one way is up to 130 EUR. If four people share a taxi both ways that would cost 65 EUR (£56) per person in total.

Bus – this costs about 10 EUR one way from the bus station in the centre of Valencia and takes 1 hour 20 minutes. The bus stops about 15 minutes from La Artiga from where the organisers can collect you.
Información adicional
The trail running explained

-The path and trails around the venue are perfect for anyone wanting to run surrounded by nature.
-The running will be varied, sometimes following the riverside path in the Vallee de Olba and passing through villages, but also includes hilly terrain, running at height and occasionally close to cliff edges.
-The path surfaces vary from level, compacted earth through to rough, stony winding tracks – we strongly recommend that you bring trail shoes.

Taking time out

As well as resting in the characterful rustic house, there will be plenty of opportunity in your free time to immerse yourself in the beautiful natural surroundings.

Down below from La Artiga, there is the River Mijares which comes from the word ‘thousand’. It is said to be a river that will never run dry as a thousand different waters flow into it.

Visits to the river will definitely be on the itinerary, and on warm days a dip in the cool clean waters of the river quickly relieves a tired achy body.


Tipo de alimentación


Cómo sera la alimentación
Food will be full board vegetarian with three meals per day with drinks and snacks available at any time.

They will cater for special dietary requirements (one of the
teachers is vegan) if requested prior to the start of the event. Please let us know
beforehand. Please let the organisers know in beforehand.

Política de cancelación y pago

  • Para una cancelación con 15 días o más de antelación respecto al retiro, el organizador tendrá la opción de reagendar el retiro para ofrecerte la experiencia en un futuro.
  • Para una cancelación de la reserva con menos de 15 días de antelación, el depósito no será devuelto.
  • Deberás realizar el pago al realizar la reserva.
6 dias / 5 noches
Pago inicial
Precio total
Selecciona fechas del retiro
Selecciona un paquete

Compartir este retiro

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