6-Day Deep Soul-healing Adventure in Mallorca

Islas Baleares, Mallorca

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6-Day Deep Soul-healing Adventure in Mallorca

Islas Baleares, Mallorca

Mejor precio garantizado

Idioma de instrucción


Tipos de actividades

Actividades grupales

Asistentes a tus retiros

Tamaño max. del grupo

8 personas

Se permiten mascotas



6 dias / 5 noches


Abierto a todos

Idioma de instrucción


Asistentes a tus retiros

Tamaño max. del grupo

8 person


6 dias / 5 noches

Tipos de actividades

Actividades grupales

Se permiten mascotas



Abierto a todos


A deeply healing Soul Adventure in an incredibly beautiful finca in Mallorca

This will be our first offering in Mallorca and we will meet the earth here with the breathtaking backdrop of the UNESCO heritage, Serra de Tramuntana. The Kiss the Earth concept is one that invites us to tread lightly on the earth, to honour the earth, to connect to the earth, to be received and held by the earth and in this deep connection, to allow ourselves to deeply relax and heal. The weave of this programme will be a mix of Shamanic Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing and we will have three sessions per day, which will be two classes each in the morning and evening and a workshop after brunch. We will reside in an utterly exquisite Son Boronat surrounded by forest, which is also home to Mallorca's oldest pine tree and is alongside an archaeological site with caves nestled into the mountain wall. As ever nature is really the true healer and alongside our classes in the dedicated yoga shala, we will also be outside as much as possible, immersed in the nature and enjoying the forests. Our menu, designed by my long time favourite chef Cristina, will be macrobiotic, organic, with an earthy theme and as always super healing and delicious. All the bedrooms are unique and en suite and we will enjoy the beauty of residing in a property that is over 400 years old and the oldest in the region. The views will take your breath away. As always there will be plenty of time to really recharge during these days together and the afternoons are free for relaxing and for additional therapies to enhance the experience, or simply lounging by the gorgeous pool. This will be an intimate group and spaces are limited … I so very much look forward to spending these days with you here in this incredibly beautiful fairytale like place, which feels like the dream location to present this powerful programme.


This will be our first offering in Mallorca and we will meet the earth here with the breathtaking backdrop of the UNESCO heritage, Serra de Tramuntana.

The Kiss the Earth concept is one that invites us to tread lightly on the earth, to honour the earth, to connect to the earth, to be received and held by the earth and in this deep connection, to allow ourselves to deeply relax and heal.

The weave of this programme will be a mix of Shamanic Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing and we will have three sessions per day, which will be two classes each in the morning and evening and a workshop after brunch.

We will reside in an utterly exquisite Son Boronat surrounded by forest, which is also home to Mallorca's oldest pine tree and is alongside an archaeological site with caves nestled into the mountain wall.

As ever nature is really the true healer and alongside our classes in the dedicated yoga shala, we will also be outside as much as possible, immersed in the nature and enjoying the forests.

Our menu, designed by my long time favourite chef Cristina, will be macrobiotic, organic, with an earthy theme and as always super healing and delicious.

All the bedrooms are unique and en suite and we will enjoy the beauty of residing in a property that is over 400 years old and the oldest in the region. The views will take your breath away.

As always there will be plenty of time to really recharge during these days together and the afternoons are free for relaxing and for additional therapies to enhance the experience, or simply lounging by the gorgeous pool.

This will be an intimate group and spaces are limited …

I so very much look forward to spending these days with you here in this incredibly beautiful fairytale like place, which feels like the dream location to present this powerful programme.


Yoga, Personal growth, Wellness, Meditation, Shamanism, Breathwork





Tipos de yoga


Tipos de meditación





Trish Whelan has always been in the business of raising the vibe. During the 1990s and 2000s, Dublin-born Trish was a pivotal figure in the London music industry, running Nellee Nooper’s studio and label for over a decade and travelling between London and LA working with artists including U2, The Smashing Pumpkins, All Saints and Gwen Stefani. As a big-hearted over-achiever in a hedonistic and high-pressure industry, Trish soon found herself called towards shamanism and the healing arts, studying reiki and kundalini yoga in the UK, India and the US. Her healing reiki-infused sounds recorded in Goa proved a hit, soundtracking Deepak Chopra’s TV series ‘The Happiness Prescription’. In 2008, Trish was able to further unify her passion for healing with her love of music in running The Joe Strummer Music Foundation, which offers opportunities to aspiring musicians and support to valuable community music projects across the globe. Profoundly conscious that all souls need to heal in order to vibrate at our highest frequency, Trish intensified her kundalini practice during these years and became a kundalini yoga teacher in 2012. For the past decade, Trish has been based in the Balearic Islands, dedicating herself fully to shamanism and teaching kundalini yoga, offering transformational and intensely healing retreats in places such as Ibiza, Menorca and Formentera, and further afield in Goa, Portugal and Ireland. Trish’s compassion, connection, warmth, wit and wisdom have attracted a loyal tribe of clients that range from rockstars to CEOs. On top of her writing and broadcasting commitments, Trish currently offers a limited series of international small-group retreats every year, and develops bespoke healing programmes for private clients.

6 dias / 5 noches
Pago inicial
Precio total
Selecciona fechas del retiro
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Daily Shamanic Kundalini Yoga Classes

Meditation and Gong Relaxation

Daily Workshops


Adquiera conocimientos y habilidades fundamentales que pueda aplicar a su propia práctica.

Aprende a amarte, valorarte y reconocerte tal y como eres.


Conecta con tu ser interior.

Conoce diferentes personas de diferentes lugares y con los mismos intereses.

Desconecta de la tecnología y conéctate contigo mismo

Descubre el poder de meditar y amar, respira y suelta todo lo que no te deje avanzar.

Disfruta del proceso de aprendizaje y crecimiento.

Disfruta y conoce el valor de compartir desde el corazón.

Escapa del estrés y la rutina de la vida actual.

Esta experiencia te dejará un recuerdo que atesorarás para siempre

Experimenta una tranquilidad profunda y un aumento de energía que nunca antes has sentido.

Fortalecer tu mente y hallar la serenidad interior.

Libérate del estrés y despeja tu mente

Restablecer tu cuerpo, mente y armonía espiritual

Sal de tu zona de confort y prueba cosas nuevas.

Sentirse totalmente seguro, bienvenido y protegido.

Serenidad mental, energía física renovada.

Tómate un tiempo para ti y tu práctica de yoga, concéntrate en tu cuerpo, tu mente y tu espíritu.

Un espacio ideal para desconectar por completo y recargar energías al máximo.

Unas vacaciones relajantes en un lugar hermoso


Actividades descritas en el programa




Deliciosas comidas y refrigerios diarios.

Esteras de yoga

Infusiones y tés en todo momento


Uso de piscina en temporada de verano


No incluido

Seguro personal y de viaje

Transporte desde y hacia la finca (opción de transporte)

Traslados al aeropuerto

Traslados al transporte público

Uso de la sala polivalente para hacer meditación o lo que quiera

Programa detallado
A typical day schedule:

08:00: Juice is served
09:00-10:30: Morning Shamanic Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Gong Relaxation
11:00-12:00: Brunch
12:30 - 14:00: Workshops including various Meditations,  Shamanic Healing Techniques, Energy Management, General Check-in

14:00-18:00: Time for Relaxation, Exploring, Treatments and more

18.30-20:00: Evening Shamanic Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Gong Relaxation

20:00: Dinner

22:00: Sweet Dreams

Hora de llegada: 15:00

Hora de salida: 11:00


Breve descripción
We will reside in an utterly exquisite Son Boronat surrounded by forest, which is also home to Mallorca's oldest pine tree and is alongside an archaeological site with caves nestled into the mountain wall.
Tipo de alojamiento

Centro de Retiros, Villa




WiFi, Estacionamiento, Piscina, Aire acondicionado en las habitaciones, Toallas, Estudio de yoga, Servicio de limpieza, Terraza


Habitación Doble

3050 €

Twin Room

1850 €

Habitación Doble

2800 €

Habitación Doble

2800 €

Habitación Doble

2700 €
Transporte público
The best option from the airport would be a taxi to the venue as there are no public transport options to take you directly/very near there.


Tipo de alimentación

Vegetariana, Opción alérgicos, Ecológica

Cómo sera la alimentación
Our menu, designed by my long time favourite chef Cristina, will be macrobiotic, organic, with an earthy theme and as always super healing and delicious.

Política de cancelación y pago

  • Para una cancelación de la reserva a menos de 30 días del retiro, el depósito no se devolverá.
  • Para una cancelación de la reserva de entre 30 y 49 días antes del retiro, se devolverá la mitad del depósito.
  • Para una cancelación de un retiro con 50 o más días de antelación, te devolveremos el depósito íntegramente.
  • Deberás completar el pago restante 30 días antes del retiro.
6 dias / 5 noches
Pago inicial
Precio total
Selecciona fechas del retiro
Selecciona un paquete

Compartir este retiro

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