10 days of meditation, asanas, constellations, and

Valencia, El Brosquil

The best price, guaranteed

4.6 (2 reviews)


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10 days of meditation, asanas, constellations, and

Valencia, El Brosquil

The best price, guaranteed

Several start dates. Click here to see them.

Languages of instruction

Spanish, English

Retreat Type

Group activities

Asistentes a tus retiros

Capacity of participants

10 person

Pets allowed



10 days / 9 nights


Open to all

Languages of instruction

Spanish, English

Asistentes a tus retiros

Capacity of participants

10 person


10 days / 9 nights

Retreat Type

Group activities

Pets allowed



Open to all


More than just yoga, a retreat to center yourself in the heart!

This retreat is based on the practices of Mindful and Heartful Yoga as a way of life, going beyond mere daily practice. It's not just a yoga retreat; approximately once a week, it also includes breathwork (cathartic breaths), dance, and systemic constellations as tools for developing self-listening and alignment with your essence and life purpose. The retreat is designed to leave a profound impact on you, serving as a foundation and catalyst for effective and real changes in your daily life.

Mindful and Heartful Yoga practices stem from Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin Yoga, facilitating a shift in direction and lifestyle habits, realigning us with the essential, and developing a strong, stable, and balanced mind. They strengthen self-esteem, the immune system, overall health, and reconnect you with your most essential and intimate self.

At Heartful Motion (formerly Be Mindful Yoga), we welcome you to our home where we live and practice, offering you the opportunity to share in our practice and love for it. We tailor the practice to your physical condition and needs. Additionally, if you need help establishing a daily routine, we also offer online services to support your personal development once you return home.

Classes and activities during the retreat can be conducted in both English and Spanish, except for the constellation activity, which is currently only available in English (though Heartful Motion will do its best to assist with translation).

Yoga, Personal growth, Yoga Holidays, Wellness, Meditation, Detoxification, Mindfulness, Silent, Vipassana Meditation, Anti-stress, Breathwork




Type of yoga






Yin yoga

Type of meditation





Meditación dinámica

Meditación respiratoria






Yoga first entered her life in 2015, when she was starting her life as a business consultant, working many overhours and engaging in various toxic and addictive behaviors. While at first, it seemed to her as another "thing to master", she quickly felt like something new was emerging in herself, starting to be truly in touch with her emotions and her true self. Over the years, she completed a yoga teacher training with Gyan Yog Breath, India, as well as an extensive NLP and life coach/ psychologic counseling training and found her true calling doing systemic constellations work.


Yoga entered my life unexpectedly in 2009, marking a before and after where nothing would ever be the same again. I come from an emotionally turbulent past, with different addictions such as food, coffee, chocolate, tobacco, and other habits detrimental to my health and mental and emotional balance. Thanks to Yoga, Vipassana Meditation, and Mindfulness, along with a healthy diet, gradually but progressively, I was able to turn around all those life circumstances that constantly took me out of my center and learn to return to my heart whenever I need to. I lived my Yoga training for 9 months as a volunteer at the Sirio Association in Caudiel (Castellón), and it permeated every corner of my life. Years later, I obtained the 200-hour Hatha yoga certificate from Yoga Alliance. I don't practice yoga; I live Yoga every day. I completed a two-year semi-presential training as a consultant in Transpersonal Mindfulness.

10 days / 9 nights
Initial payment
Total price
Select start day
Select a package



Hatha-Vinyasa yoga

Yin yoga

Yoga nidra

Meditations of various styles and durations

Systemic constellations


Kirtan (mantra chanting)


Sound baths

Deep breathing work

Deep tissue massage


Gain foundational knowledge and skills that you can apply to your own practice.

Learn to love yourself, value yourself and recognize yourself as you are.

Self discovery

Focus completely on your practice and let go of all distractions.

Meet different people from different places and with the same interests.

Develop healthy habits to improve your health.

Disconnect from technology and connect with yourself

Discover the power of meditating and loving, breathe and let go of everything that doesn't let you move forward.

Enjoy the process of learning and growth.

Enjoy and know the value of sharing from the heart.

Find a support system to help you stay motivated and healthy.

Experience deep tranquility and a surge of energy you've never felt before.

Strengthen your mind and find inner serenity.

Cleanse your body of toxins with a healthy diet, exercise and relaxation.

Rediscover the emotional and spiritual balance that you so desire.

Feel totally safe, welcome and protected.

Mental serenity, renewed physical energy.

Take time for yourself and your yoga practice, focus on your body, your mind and your spirit.

An ideal space to completely disconnect and recharge your batteries to the maximum.

A space to make friends from all over the world, where you will find support and motivation.

A magical place to disconnect and admire the wonder of nature.

An oasis of tranquility for a well-deserved respite from the daily routine.

A plan for a healthy lifestyle that includes nutrition, exercise and relaxation.


Activities described in the program



Drinks, fruits and snacks available during the day

Daily delicious meals and snacks

Breakfasts, lunches and dinners

Yoga mats

Full board



Not included

Transportation to and from the finca (shuttle in option)

Airport transfers

Transfers to public transport

Detailed programme
Heartful Motion (formerly Be Mindful Yoga) welcomes you to our home, where we practice every day, and offer you the opportunity to share our home, practice, and love for it. At Heartful Motion, we adapt the practice to your physical condition and needs. Additionally, we offer services to support your personal development, both in-person during your retreat and online once you return home if needed.

This house is not a touristy, luxurious, or flashy yoga retreat. It is not a mere marketing product. It is not a place to disconnect, but an authentic opportunity to start or deepen the use of simple techniques that can make your life full, fruitful, and filled with love. It is a true opportunity to reconnect with the Presence of Infinite Love dwelling in your heart.

The retreat instructions will be offered in English and/or Spanish, except for the constellation activity, currently available only in English (however, they will do their best to assist with translation).

This retreat is not simply a vacation spot or a hotel for spending a few exciting days doing "some" yoga and tourism. It is not a place to disconnect; on the contrary, it is a place to get to know and delve into your emotions, to reconnect and express your Being, and to dedicate time to inner healing and self-development. If you are not open to exploring yourself deeply, with all our love and respect, we advise you not to come here as the experience we offer will not be to your liking.

The Heartful Motion retreat is based on the practice of yoga and meditation as a balanced and healthy way of life, not as a mere isolated practice performed several times a week or month, but as an integral and balanced way of relating to oneself and the environment. We also incorporate Systemic Constellations, Inside Dance, cathartic breathwork sessions (Integration Breathing), and psychological counselling/personal development tools into the practice.

We will help you develop a healthy lifestyle with nutrition, daily asana practice, meditation, pranayama, mantra chanting, dance, personal work, and, above all, with the implementation of the attitude of being present in daily life, where it is deeply needed, through simple yet effective instructions.

Heartful Motion offers appropriate tools through yoga, meditation, and healthy and conscious eating so you can continue at home, developing in the way that best suits you in your daily life. The desire that moves and touches us is that when you return home, you continue to dedicate a small but quality time to yourself every day, having the necessary tools to "be with yourself" in the best possible way, to accompany you on the path that suits you best.

Heartful Motion helps you adapt the practice of meditation and yoga to your physical condition and needs. Additionally, to better support your personal journey and healing, it offers the opportunity to participate in systemic constellations, breathwork, and Inside Dance (once a week), where you can find clarity and healing for what really matters to you.

This retreat is suitable for both beginners and those coming into contact with meditation and yoga for the first time, as well as those who want to deepen their knowledge and practice, whose practice is more advanced, and/or feel stuck and cannot find a way to move forward. This retreat is not suitable for people who do not want to delve into and make peace with their emotions.

This retreat can show you the healthy benefits of living a yogic life, a life from your own centre (heart), here and now, even and especially in everyday life.

From experience (and scientific evidence), the Heartful Motion retreat can say that the time needed for noticeable changes in your mental, emotional, and physical state is more than 3 days. However, we will do everything possible to help you establish a consistent and deep practice here that encourages you to continue your journey back home, to the heart, and for this, the retreat is designed as follows:

Arrival day:

13:00 - 15:00 Arrival time
16:30 Yin yoga, pranayama or mantra
18:00 Silent meditation (beginning with a small guide + 20-25 minutes of silence)
19:00 Dinner in silence (after dinner, talking is allowed)
22:00 Rest and a calm environment to ensure a good night's rest for everyone.

Daily program:

Strict silence until 9:00 a.m "Antar Mouna"
Breakfast in silence (breakfast is optional, you can try semi-fasting with us)
07:00 Silent meditation (45 minutes, optional)
08:00 Yoga philosophy, psychology and practical implications
09:00 Hatha yoga (adapted to all levels)
10:30 Guided meditation Mindfulness, Bhakti yoga, dynamic meditation or similar
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Free time
16:30 Yin yoga, pranayama or mantra.
18:00 Silent meditation (beginning with a small guide + 20-25 minutes of silence)
19:00 Dinner in silence (after dinner, talking is allowed)
22:00 Rest and a calm environment to ensure a good night's rest for everyone.

Departure day:

Strict silence until 9:00 a.m "Antar Mouna"
Breakfast in silence (breakfast is optional, you can try semi-fasting with us)
07:00 Silent meditation (45 minutes, optional)
08:00 Yoga philosophy, psychology and practical implications
09:00 Hatha yoga (adapted to all levels)
10:30 Guided meditation Mindfulness, Bhakti yoga, dynamic meditation or similar
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Free time until your departure time

Note: You can also choose to stay over the weekend, however, no program is planned, nor will food be served, which also means the retreat price will be lower. During that time, you can use all the house's organic products (everything needed for a healthy vegan kitchen will be provided, including eggs from our chickens if available), as well as our kitchen equipment. If you prefer to eat outside the house, please note that no price reduction will be applied in this case, as we provide enough food for everyone at home. Bringing your own food or drink into the house is not allowed, except for medical needs. During weekends, you are free to use all facilities, spending the day at the beach, in the garden, or exploring the area, perhaps going to Valencia.

Silence during breakfast and dinner is strict and mandatory, NOT optional. This practice is considered sacred in yoga, called "Antar Mouna" (Inner Silence).

Once a week, they also offer a cathartic breathwork session (Breathwork) or an Inside Dance session instead of a yoga class. It may be in the morning or in the afternoon.

Important information about Systemic Constellation Work:

Once a week, if a minimum of six people participate, Heartful Motion will offer "Systemic Constellations" instead of the morning yoga class. The activity will be guided exclusively in English, as the facilitator currently only speaks English.

Here is a brief explanation of what you can expect:
We are all connected... with those who came before us... with those who follow us..., with our past experiences, the stories we tell ourselves....

If we seek healing within ourselves, connection instead of disconnection - whether with a person or a goal, an attitude towards life that we desire for ourselves - systemic constellation work offers a path. Through it, we can experience clarity and possibly even healing.

In systemic constellations, inner images - conscious or unconscious - are represented by people, the so-called representatives. These can change in the direction of healing/solution if the client (the person who wants to work on a particular issue) is really ready for it and open to what wants to be revealed. What and how this happens exactly can only be experienced, but not grasped cognitively.

With all our hearts, we would like to invite you to this experiential journey. If you wish, you can bring your own topic to constellate or act as a representative for someone and experience the effect of systemic constellations.

Please let Heartful Motion know as soon as possible if you would like to work on your own topic and if you are willing (or not) for this type of deep work. Only 2 places per session are available for constellations, although you can always participate as a representative.

*Note: Participation in systemic constellations does not require prior knowledge or acting skills. It only requires our innate human ability to empathically resonate with the beings and emotions of others.
**Note: All non-yoga/meditation activities are subject to the presence of Julia and Santi in the house. If one or both are absent, it is possible that none or only some of these activities will take place.

Arrival time: 13:00

Departure Time: 13:00


Short description
Literalmente estamos a escasos 3 minutos andando de una de las mejores playas de la Comunidad Valenciana, en un lugar muy tranquilo y acogedor que invita al relax, el descanso y la desconexión del ruido y ajetreo cotidiano para conectar con lo esencial. Es una playa muy tranquila y muy poco turística incluso en verano, de arena fina y dorada
con una preciosa salida de sol cada mañana y atardeceres espectaculares en otoño e invierno sobre las montañas.

Disfrutamos de un clima magnífico, con unos 300 días de sol al año, siendo adecuado para la práctica de Yoga. No tenemos temperaturas extremas en invierno ni en verano, la suave y constante brisa del mar nos refresca, pudiendo disfrutar de un tiempo de retiro para ti en el momento del año que realmente más lo necesites.

La casa está totalmente equipada y muy confortable, de unos 350 m2. Cuenta con 7 habitaciones, todas ellas se pueden reservar para 1 o para 2 personas, unas con 2 camas separadas y otras con literas.
Cuenta con 4 cabinas de cuartos de baño y 4 cabinas de ducha.
No disponemos de habitaciones con baño privado.

Cada habitación cuenta con buenas ventanas y cerramientos, con calefacción central en toda la casa, potente ventilador de techo y mosquitera en la ventana, no siendo necesario el uso del aire acondicionado por la especial situación junto al mar
y la presencia constante de la refrescante brisa marina.
La sala de actividades es el porche de la casa, en verano está cerrado por toldos micro-perforados que dejan pasar el aire y la luz sin insectos. En invierno está cerrada por cristales y acondicionado por calefacción de suelo radiante.
La casa es un lugar muy tranquilo y acogedor que invita a relajarse, descansar y desconectar del ruido y el ajetreo diario para conectar con lo esencial. No es un resort de lujo, es una casa rural, es nuestro hogar, cómodo y funcional para sacar el máximo beneficio de tu estancia y práctica el tiempo que estés con nosotros.
Type of accommodation

Cottage, Retreat Centre, Casa particular


Beach, Mountain


WiFi, Parking, Library, Bicycle available, Kitchen, Washing machine available, Towels, Yoga studio, Cleaning service, Terrace


Shared room

1215 €

Single room

1395 €

Double room

2430 €
Public transport
Getting to the house from the airport and/or downtown Valencia is very easy and affordable.

You have 2 metro lines at the airport, both of which take you to XATIVA metro station in downtown Valencia. It's about 20 minutes and costs around €7.

Once at XATIVA station, you cross the street to VALENCIA NORD train station. Look for the train to GANDIA, but get off at TAVERNES DE LA VALLDIGNA. The journey takes about 40 minutes and costs around €5.

From TAVERNES, the only option is a taxi. We live in the countryside and there is no public transport available. It's about a 10-minute taxi ride costing around €10.
Additional Information
The arrival and departure times are flexible; please let us know your needs with sufficient advance notice. If you have any food intolerances or restrictions, please inform us before booking, so we can accommodate them.

We have kittens in the house and offer bicycles for rent. Additionally, we have a professional massage therapist available (massage not included in the package price).

There are no specific start or end dates for retreats; you can come at any time that suits you. We offer a continuous experience in the "mindfulyogi way of life." This is our home and lifestyle; we practice daily and provide a space for people like you who want to connect with or deepen their meditation and yoga practice as a way of life, beyond just a weekly activity.


Type of food

Vegan, Vegetarian, Allergy option, Ecological, Km0

What will the food be like?
We cook in a flexi-vegan style, using fresh seasonal, organic, and local products. Our meals are dairy-free, and we offer fresh eggs from our chickens upon request. We do not use gluten or bread, and our meals are low in carbohydrates.

We are not professional chefs, just people who love what we do and put our hearts into it.

Ratings 4.6 (2 reviews)

Marcelina T.
Jun 26, 2024

Hace unos días que llegamos del retiro. Nunca habíamos acudido a un retiro de Yoga y desde luego nos hemos quedado con ganas de más. Meditación, yoga, paseos por la playa y conversaciones muy interesantes. Un oasis de paz.

Price-quality Value
Accommodation and facilities Accommodation
Meal Meal
Activities Activities
Location Location
Human team Teachers
Samuel A.
Mar 05, 2024

Un lugar encantador. Sin duda una gran experiencia con Santi y Ani. Estuvimos durante 5 días y en todos disfrutamos de la calma y el bienestar junto al mar.

Price-quality Value
Accommodation and facilities Accommodation
Meal Meal
Activities Activities
Location Location
Human team Teachers

Cancellation and payment policy

  • For a booking cancellation less than 30 days prior to the retreat, the deposit will not be refunded.
  • For a booking cancellation between 30 and 49 days prior to the retreat, half of the deposit will be refunded.
  • For a cancellation of a retreat 50 or more days prior to the retreat, we will refund the deposit in full.
  • You will need to complete the remaining payment 10 days prior to the retreat.
10 days / 9 nights
Initial payment
Total price
€ €
Select start day
Select a package

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